Thursday, July 25, 2013


I've lived in the embers of what once was my heart for so long. I promised... No, I vowed to rid myself of my perception. My trusting nature nurtured my own demise. I sentenced myself to a life behind walls, guards; an armory at my beck-and-call to stun away any and all intruders. That's what you taught me to see any approaching figure as: an enemy. You approached me in the same way. You promised me happiness and laughter. You assured me that it wasn't going to be easy but you'd try. But you lied! You were dripping gasoline all around me. You distracted me with your eyes... your lips... your touch... You knew my weaknesses. You knew you were my kryptonite. But you walked away when I needed you the most, casually tossed a match behind, and left me for dead. You lit the fire that consumed me.
Had I been on the lookout, you wouldn't have gotten the chance.
But I am through with not allowing the world a glimpse of me. Not because that's the way I wish it to be but because this desheveled self, only a fraction of what I once was, is laying in her own ashes and cannot seem to find a way out.
But I tell you, tonight, I find the courage to rise up out of my ashes like a phoenix. I've surged my pain with my will and produced enlightenment, empowerment, invincibility.
I promised myself I'd rise someday...
that day has come.

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