Tuesday, January 31, 2012

First Day Back In School... Again

So this is my first day back in school since my break but it feels like a first day of school in September. I'm ready to bring a new light to my learning. I'm a tenth grader who's technically a ninth grader (don't ask) and I'm ready to kick butt in school. I've said this many times before but for some odd reason, I didn't seem to have enough determination. Now I feel like I have the "umph" necessary to carry out this goal. One of my friends once put up as his status that he found the following quote stupid: "Shoot for the moon because if you miss you'll land among the stars." I couldn't see why he found it stupid. I actually kind of liked that quote. But his reasoning was that there was no need to miss. When you set a goal, you don't stop until you reach it. What's the point of having a goal if you don't reach it? He said to "get you ass to that moon!!" I think I'll take him up on that. I can already see that this year will be full of challenges and triumphs. I'm planning on really dedicating myself to my studies as I once had. (Why is it that we seem to lose that momentum that we had as kids in elementary school once we get to middle school and high school??) I hope to stay on task because it's my future on the line not the future of my teachers or my friends. It's also my parents' dreams on the line... They brought me here so that I could have a different life than they did. So that I wouldn't go through the same struggles as they did. I can't afford to let them down. I just can't... So new semester, HERE I COME!

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